Feeling My Way Through Gendered and Racialize Spaces

Lessons from a Local Football Advertisement


Mots-clés :

Adult Learning, Public Pedagogies, Affect, Gender, Race


In this article, I present my analysis of an advertisement for a local professional football team. Central premises here include the conceptualization of adult learning as occurring holistically in the course of everyday encounters, and Sara Ahmed’s (2004, 2007a, 2007b, 2010, 2014) thoughts on the social function of affect, especially happiness or “good feeling.” I draw, too, on Gillian Rose’s (2007) writing on visual methods, particularly the semiotic and psychoanalytic approaches that fit especially well with Ahmed’s ideas. I explore how the advertisement’s representation of gender and race work affectively with and for its viewers to tap into both human impulses and hegemonic ideologies. This analysis contributes to scholarship in adult education, especially for those who take up the multidimensionality of learning and who underpin their work with an emphasis on social justice.


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Comment citer

Jubas, K. (2020). Feeling My Way Through Gendered and Racialize Spaces: Lessons from a Local Football Advertisement. La Revue Canadienne Pour l’étude De l’éducation Des Adultes, 32(1). Consulté à l’adresse https://cjsae.library.dal.ca/cjsae/article/view/5422


