From Method to Methodology: Reflexive Narrative Inquiry as Perspective, Process, and Representation in an Adult Education Context


  • Ellyn Lyle University of Prince Edward Island


Adult learning, workplace education, narrative, reflexive practice


Drawing from Narrative Theory, Reflexive Inquiry, and Critical Pedagogy, the intent of this article is to position narrative as perspective and process that, together, help construct theoretically new ways of conceptualising and practising learning. My aim, then, is to present narrative as a methodology that brings together theory and practice in a space where readers might reflexively examine the experiences that inform their own education perspectives. Pervasive and recurring is the centrality of lived experience. Specific questions include: “What does a critically-framed reflexive narrative methodology uniquely contribute to understanding teaching and learning?”, and “How does remembering self in teaching and learning moments construct educational perspectives through narrative?”


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How to Cite

Lyle, E. (2013). From Method to Methodology: Reflexive Narrative Inquiry as Perspective, Process, and Representation in an Adult Education Context. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 25(2), 17–34. Retrieved from