Rethinking Studies in Higher Education in The Face of the Other


  • Clara A.B. Joseph Department of English, University of Calgary


Higher Education, Adult Learning, Long Poem, Creative Writing, Pedagogy


In this essay, I share reflections on what it meant to teach my book of poetry in an introductory English literature class. The book took inspiration from the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, particularly his studies on encountering the other person. Engaging with this text (both the poetry and the philosophy), I consider some of the nuances of a pedagogy of creativity and its potential for lessons in engaging with the other on the basis of ignorance of the other. The essay is a response to Anna Herbert’s  The Pedagogy of Creativity (2010), in which Herbert, on the other hand, defines the other as a location within the self. 

Author Biography

Clara A.B. Joseph, Department of English, University of Calgary

Associate Professor, Department of English

Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies


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How to Cite

Joseph, C. A. (2017). Rethinking Studies in Higher Education in The Face of the Other. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 30(1), 65–75. Retrieved from



Field Notes