Space for Drawing: Women, Art, Love, and Fear


  • Petra Zantingh Concordia University


Women, Life-long learning, Drawing, Aging, Art,


This article describes an arts-based research project where my purpose was to investigate how older women develop their skills as visual artists through the medium of drawing in a small group setting. The social construction of artist identities among the group and my teaching of drawing formed the basis of my study in this informal, community-based learning environment. I assessed how learning new creative skills later in life affects the quality of an individual’s sense of self and their perceived value and contribution in relation to society, and how apprehension about learning a new skill touches others in the group. My interest extended to investigating how the skill of drawing influences other areas of life like aesthetic awareness; and to the role of digital media in rendering the research. Arts based research as a method of inquiry allowed the use of alternative representation of results and findings. 

Author Biography

Petra Zantingh, Concordia University

Petra Zantingh, MA (Art Education)


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How to Cite

Zantingh, P. (2014). Space for Drawing: Women, Art, Love, and Fear. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 27(1), 29–48. Retrieved from