Authoethnographie du printemps érable

Revisiting Strike Narratives 10 Years Later


  • Audrey Dahl Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Renée Jackson Temple



Over a decade ago, Québec witnessed the Printemps érable, a general student strike that emerged in early 2012 and transformed into a social movement with broad mobilization throughout the summer. This paper is based on 2 narratives written by the authors about our experience in what is known today as the biggest student strike in Canada. Using autoethnography, we return to our 2012 writings (I am Going to Meet Audrey; and L’accident démocratique) to reflect on our past and present learning. We ask ourselves: what comes to mind, looking back at these texts ten years later? We discuss the interconnection between the personal and the political and how friendship developed our understanding of learning about solidarity. Overall, this autoethnographic practice brought us to significant realizations through critical engagement with our past perceptions.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Audrey Dahl, Université du Québec à Montréal

Professeure à l'Université du Québec à Montréal




Comment citer

Dahl, A., & Jackson, R. (2024). Authoethnographie du printemps érable: Revisiting Strike Narratives 10 Years Later. La Revue Canadienne Pour l’étude De l’éducation Des Adultes, 36(02), 65–77.