Dueling Clocks: Mothers on the Path to Tenure


  • Erin Jennifer Careless Mount Saint Vincent University



Mots-clés :

Lifelong Learning, Work-family balance, Women academics


Women’s enrollment in graduate programs has increased significantly in the past few decades; however, this statistic is not reflective of an increase in female high-ranking faculty members. Academic timelines for promotion, and the years of work required to advance in their careers lead many women to face the “dueling” clocks of tenure and childrearing. By sharing their experiences as mothers working in academe, the participants of this Canadian research study helped to identify ways that women can be supported in the decision to develop a career and raise a family. Challenging the current focus on neoliberal values in academe from a critical, feminist perspective, the goal is to draw attention to this lack of support for women academics and the patriarchal structures that may prevent them from participating fully in their careers.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Erin Jennifer Careless, Mount Saint Vincent University

Erin is a PhD student in Educational Studies through an Inter-University program where she focusses on lifelong learning, teacher education, and critical feminist studies.


Included with attached article




Comment citer

Careless, E. J. (2012). Dueling Clocks: Mothers on the Path to Tenure. La Revue Canadienne Pour l’étude De l’éducation Des Adultes, 25(1), 31–46. https://doi.org/10.56105/cjsae.v25i1.361