Poetry, Prose and Personhood: The Art of Storytelling with the Homeless


  • Paige Zhang
  • Roula Kteily-Hawa Women’s College Research Institute and Queen’s University




In 2016, 235,000 Canadians experienced homelessness and on any given night, there are 35,000 Canadians who are homeless. Many have significant mental health needs. This article describes a series of storytelling workshops offered at a shelter and medical clinic that provided a space for homeless people to reflect, share their voices, gain communication skills, and connect within a peer group. Fourteen self-selected homeless men participated. Staff and participant experiences are shared in this paper pointing to how narratives and storytelling provide a rich ground for better understanding and empowering people experiencing homelessness.




How to Cite

Zhang, P., & Kteily-Hawa, R. (2018). Poetry, Prose and Personhood: The Art of Storytelling with the Homeless. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 30(2). https://doi.org/10.56105/cjsae.v30i2.5438