From The Inside Out: Museum Educators and Professional Development On Race Talk


  • Kayon Murray-Johnson University of Rhode Island



The purpose of this article is to share highlights of a professional development workshop, aimed at helping museum educators build capacity for difficult dialogues on race with adults. Museum educators play a unique role in adult education as facilitators of learning on social justice issues. But in sharing with adults about the scope and elements of race related objects, they may fear or be unable to manage the kinds of emotions that could be evoked. Consequently, they may hesitate to fully engage in what could be a rich learning moment. The workshop was designed to explore characteristics of adults as learners and featured discourse and activities around a recently developed “8 S” framework for educators who often engage in race talk.




How to Cite

Murray-Johnson, K. (2019). From The Inside Out: Museum Educators and Professional Development On Race Talk. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 31(2).