Strong Snow White Requires Stronger Marriageable Huntsman


  • Nancy Taber Brock University
  • Vera Woloshyn Brock University
  • Laura Lane Brock University



Public Pedagogies, Gender, Popular Culture, Media Discussion Group


In this article, we discuss a media discussion group for female students with disabilities, which we created and facilitated using fairy tales to discuss and critique gender norms. Disability was not the primary focus for our media sessions; however, participants occasionally extended dialogue to include intersections between disability and gender. In this article, we discuss literature related to gender, disability, popular culture, and fairy tales. We detail our case study methodology and explain our findings regarding participants’ views of gender representations in fairy tales, the character of Snow White as portrayed in the film Snow White and the Huntsman, and the concept of happily‑ever‑after endings. Finally, we discuss benefits experienced by the participants in the context of forming a community of learners and building relationships with each other.

Author Biography

Nancy Taber, Brock University

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Taber, N., Woloshyn, V., & Lane, L. (2017). Strong Snow White Requires Stronger Marriageable Huntsman. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 29(2), 21–36.




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