Curriculum Meta-orientations in the LINC Program


  • Thomas Ricento University of Calgary
  • Andreea Cervatiuc University of Calgary



Adult ESL, Critical Pedagogy, Hidden Curriculum, Participatory research, Second Language Learning, Canada LINC Program


This article explores curriculum meta-orientations in the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program, as reflected in its hidden curriculum, on three different levels: instruction, approaches to teaching Canadian culture to recent adult immigrant learners, and LINC instructors’ self-perceived teaching roles. The data collection process consisted of interviews and class observations. Most participants define themselves as facilitators, rather than teachers, embrace a transaction stance, and take a prescriptive approach to teaching Canadian culture to newcomers. We make the case that a participatory-transformation curriculum meta-orientation is more suited for adult English language learners than the prevalent transaction pedagogy, as it addresses the real issues and challenges that immigrants face in their first years in Canada.


Author Biographies

Thomas Ricento, University of Calgary

Professor and Chair, English as an Additional Language, Faculty of Education


Andreea Cervatiuc, University of Calgary

Instructor, Faculty of Education



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How to Cite

Ricento, T., & Cervatiuc, A. (2012). Curriculum Meta-orientations in the LINC Program. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 24(2).