Crossing Borders to Teach: A Literature Review of (dis)Location, Interconnectedness, and Pedagogy


  • Robert Mizzi



sexual-minorities, immigrants, barriers, educators


Using postfoundationalism as a theoretical guide, the author by way of a literature review examines the notion of (dis)location with educators who cross borders for work. The author uses sexuality, citizenship, and racial lenses to compare and analyze competing bodies of work that deal with crossing borders. After an analytical comparison is offered, the author highlights a gap in the literature when it comes to understanding transitions to a new country and to a new workplace. As reflected in the literature, the conclusion encourages institutions to become more proactive in their steps towards inclusion.


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How to Cite

Mizzi, R. (2013). Crossing Borders to Teach: A Literature Review of (dis)Location, Interconnectedness, and Pedagogy. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 25(2), 53–64.

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