Critical Disability Studies and Mad Studies: Enabling new Pedagogies in Practice


  • Mark Anthony Castrodale McMaster University


Critical Disability Studies, Mad Studies, Critical Pedagogy, Higher Education


I draw theoretically on the works of critical pedagogues to unpack my instructor experiences developing and teaching critical disability studies (CDS) and Mad studies in university contexts. My intent is to insert CDS and Mad pedagogies into the literature in adult education, where such discourses have been and continue to be absent from critical pedagogy in general and from teacher education more specifically. In this paper, I offer a critique of the absence of CDS and Mad studiesinformed approaches and perspectives in critical pedagogy in ways that may inform adult education. CDS and Mad studies can also help us to unpack the often ableist and sanist nature of Canadian teacher education. 

Author Biography

Mark Anthony Castrodale, McMaster University

Dr. Mark Anthony Castrodale is a Critical Disability Studies and Mad Studies scholar, university instructor, policy analyst, researcher, writer, and advocate. He is currently an Accessibility consultant and instructional designer at McMaster University. Mark has personal and professional connections to mad and disability studies communities. He often draws on the perspectives of self-identifying mad and disabled persons to inform educational policies and practices.



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How to Cite

Castrodale, M. A. (2016). Critical Disability Studies and Mad Studies: Enabling new Pedagogies in Practice. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 29(1), 49–66. Retrieved from