Feminist Activist Storytelling

Transforming Identity and Building Resistance


  • Annie Chau Saint Francis Xavier University


I came to recognize the importance of story over the course of my master’s degree. With the intention to diversify feminism, I explored the storied journeys of Indigenous and racialized immigrant women in Canada becoming activists. ‘Becoming’ is imperative to feminist activism, as Ahmed (2017) stated, “Feminism is DIY: A form of self-assembly” (p. 27). Politically, understanding how women have learned about and resisted against sexism, racism, and colonialism through their narratives has informed my praxis of feminism, decolonization, and allyship. Personally, my studies brought me to my own stories and storytelling, as a feminist activist and daughter of Vietnamese refugee ‘Boat People’. I share how I came to read story, listen to story, and tell my own story.




How to Cite

Chau, A. (2020). Feminist Activist Storytelling : Transforming Identity and Building Resistance. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 32(2), 91–101. Retrieved from https://cjsae.library.dal.ca/index.php/cjsae/article/view/5590