Feminism and Adult Education: The Nexus of Policy, Practice, and Payment


  • Leona English, Catherine J. Irving


adult education, feminism, policy, UNESCO, feminist organizations


This paper provides a critical feminist analysis of the intersection of policy, practice and decisions about funding for women. Beginning with a discussion of the current Canadian context, the authors move to an examination of international policies on the lives of women such as CONFINTEA, MDGs and CEDAW. They then examine three specific international programs where these policies are enacted globally. This paper highlights the interconnections of the local and the global, and the need to look beyond our current Canadian context for insights into the practice of adult education.

Author Biography

Leona English, Catherine J. Irving

Professor of Adult Education


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How to Cite

Catherine J. Irving, L. E. (2015). Feminism and Adult Education: The Nexus of Policy, Practice, and Payment. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 27(2 SE), 1–15. Retrieved from https://cjsae.library.dal.ca/cjsae/article/view/3415