Financial Literacy and Academics: A Critical Discourse Analysis


  • Leona English Professor Adult Education St. Francis Xavier University



adult education, discourse analysis, power, financial literacy


Abstract: Using a critical discourse analysis (CDA), we explore the experience of adult education and business academics educating new parents for financial literacy. Informed by poststructuralism, CDA helps to examine the social relations of power operating in knowledge dissemination processes, especially as they affect adult educators, accountants, community partners, new parents, funding agencies, and government. We analyze our own engagement in this financial program, highlighting our complicities and resistances, especially the ways in which we wittingly and knowingly become academic lackeys for our government.

Author Biography

Leona English, Professor Adult Education St. Francis Xavier University

Professor of Adult Education


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How to Cite

English, L. (2012). Financial Literacy and Academics: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 25(1), 17–30.