Learning and Education for a Better World: The Role of Social Movements By Budd L. Hall, Darlene E. Clover, Jim Crowther, and Eurig Scandrett (Eds.)


  • Laurel C. Collins University of Victoria

Mots-clés :

Adult Education, Social Movement Learning, Critical Education, Informal Learning, Critical Pedagogy


Learning and Education for a Better World: The Role of Social Movements

Budd L. Hall, Darlene E. Clover, Jim Crowther, and Eurig Scandrett (Eds.). Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2012, 204 pages.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Laurel C. Collins, University of Victoria

Interdisciplinary Studies (in the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies and the Department of Sociology) PhD


Learning and education for a better world: the role of social movements (2012). Eds. B. Hall et al. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.




Comment citer

Collins, L. C. (2014). Learning and Education for a Better World: The Role of Social Movements By Budd L. Hall, Darlene E. Clover, Jim Crowther, and Eurig Scandrett (Eds.). La Revue Canadienne Pour l’étude De l’éducation Des Adultes, 26(1), 85–87. Consulté à l’adresse https://cjsae.library.dal.ca/cjsae/article/view/1728



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