Predicaments of the Academic Community-Based Educator


  • M. Tanya Brann-Barrett Cape Breton University
  • Janis Timm-Bottos Concordia University


Community-University Partnerships, Communities and Scholarship, Lifelong Learning, Service Learning


Many academic educators who hope to contribute to socially just community building recognize that working in partnerships with people and organizations outside the academy is important. Working within publicly funded universities and engaging in community‑based work, however, require juggling responsibilities to multiple stakeholders. In this article, we present reflections on predicaments we encounter as academic community‑based educators as we balance obligations, relationship responsibilities, and outcome expectations that affect our work. We overview our educative projects and share examples of predicaments we encounter. We offer preliminary interpretations of what predicaments tell us about how power plays upon our practice and views of scholarship that may help us disrupt it. We contend that broad and inclusive perceptions of scholarship are required to allow space for community‑based educators and their partners to critically engage in community building that supports all society.


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How to Cite

Brann-Barrett, M. T., & Timm-Bottos, J. (2017). Predicaments of the Academic Community-Based Educator. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 29(2), 65–72. Retrieved from



Field Notes